Sunday, September 5, 2010

20 Minutes of A New Beginning

When I first took my Undang test, it was 2 years back, before I entered college...Due to some circumstances ( mum was afraid that I would drive and run away from college, perhaps), I did not even go to the amali class and so did not get my 'L' license..

2 years has passed...I still couldn't drive, let alone have license...I pitied the 2 men in my life that got to be my driver wherever I need to go...I couldn't stand it any longer..I was envy to see almost,if not all, of my friends could drive themselves anywhere....

Finally, I had the opportunity to be at Kuantan for 6 weeks...And God bless my parents that they asked me to take my license without me asking them first...=)

So, I got a teacher and registered for the 5 hours seminar....The first time I was in the seminar was boring and the second time was actually torturous...Passed my second Undang test within a week and I was eager to go for my amali session....

For 6 long hours, all of us stood outside, under the scrothing bright sun, to listen about different car parts and its functions....I don't really think that any of us could concentrate to what our teacher was actually saying as we were all sweating like a pig and counting the time to end our session....

After everyting was done, my teacher asked his friend ( another car instructor) to send me home...The first 10 minutes of the journey, he told me almost all my attitude based on what he read on my face...I can't help it but agree what he said was actually true...

So, when I told him, I have not drive even once in my life, he stopped his car by the roadside and asked me to take over....At first, I was practically begging him not to let me drive as I do not wish to murder an innocent person or get myself killed....

But he asked me to relax and said all I need is to obey his instructions....That's when the adrenaline kicks in...I took over his place and obeyed all his instructions...He was suprised that I can actually change gear without any problem...

He only needs to guide me on handling the steering wheel and asked me to slow down when I drove above 80km/hour...

When I reached at the front of my house, I was so glad that noone was killed....I can actually drive, it's quite unbelievable actually....I'm so proud of myself and can't wait for my formal and legal lessons to begin....=D

And that was the 20 minutes of a new beginning and chapter in my life...

Saturday, August 28, 2010



We have many wonderful colours to represent everything in life....

Everything from our toothbrush to clothes to cars and even our houses have their own identity based on their colour...

Colours brighten up our gloomy days and gives us positive aura from the within....

It may also suit our emotions and feelings so that we are able to be in touch with our inner self effectively...

But of all the colours, I find it difficult to tolerate the judgements based on people's skin colour....

Let us all face the truth...We are all living in a multi-racial society and despite how we try to look good together with all those campaigns and stuff, we are still living in hypocrite...

We don't respect people for who they are but for what they are...I don't really see the point of judging people blindly just because they have dark, tan or fair skin...

Humans mean more than being judged based on their 3 layers of skin... We can't control who's going to be our family or what colour will our complexion be.... So, it's really unfair to judge someone based on their skin colours rather than their capabilities....

Why waste time condemning other races when our own race is not at all perfect.... Not all dark skin people are wasted and not all fair skin people are good either....
No point of wasting so much money on campaigns to make our society look good to the world....What we should really do is to face the truth that we are all racist no matter how hard we try to deny it and find a way to really overcome it mentally and not just physically...
It shouldn't matter which race have the most criminal records or which race have more mat rempits, drinkers, gamblers or which race is from which part of the world.....Because the fact is we cannot escape our origin no matter how hard we try...
It shouldn't matter what the Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims or Christians beliefs are because we are supposed to respect one another despite our differences...I really don't think the people up there will be happy to see us fighting among ourselves just because we are from different origins and have different beliefs...
Let us all be mature and handle racism the right way....=)

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Little Getaway....

TA-DA!!!!That's the picture of Hawaii...A place which I did NOT go for my little getaway...How I wished I was in Hawaii relaxing and enjoying the beach...

Or perhaps....In Bali, appreciating the nature and the beauty of all those ancient buildings while enjoying a wonderful spa with my loved ones...

Oklar.....Let's be more practical..A 5 days 4 nights trip to Pulau Sipadan located at East of Malaysia.....I can enjoy the sea and perhaps learn how to swim there....

But...NO...I came back to an apartment which was so untidy that it looked as though the place has been hit by a hurricane...Trousers and shirts were all over the couch and also the white marble tiles...Used boxers and socks were thrown at the dining table's chair....Worst of all, my feet was black 1 minute after I stepped into the house...Imagine my disappointment when I saw all that after my 5 hours bus journey from JB...

I spent almost 2 days scrubbing and disinfecting the house...I bet the condition of his house would sent some other girls running miles away without turning back...In order, to gain back the calories or should I from the hardwork I did shining his house, we went for lunch at Chili's at Midvalley....We waited for half an hour to be seated although we could see a lot of empty seats...And another 45 minutes or so to get our food....

It's the hungry him...demanding for food after half an hour waiting...Stomachs were growling fiercely then....

Thankfully, the food arrived before he ate me...That's the delicious Buffalo Chicken Wings..Their sauce makes u want them keep coming...Served with appetizing mayonnaise and celeries....

Not forgetting, our wonderful and HUGE Big Mouth Burgers...Served with fresh salad leaves and gigantic piece of meat...However, personally, I prefer Carl's Jr. fries more...

There's no time to waste...The faster we eat, the more time we have to spend for shopping...=)

Such a big serving for a petite person like me....For me to finish it is a problem...But firstly, how on Earth am I going to bite this burger...

Before I picked up my burger and started eating, I was actually thinking of ways to enjoy my burger politely and not grossing out nearby people...Of course the option to bite it like he did was crossed out..I do not want to risk all those sauce dripping out of my burger while I'm holding's so not ladylike...

In the end, I decided to cut it in pieces with a knife..Although the excitement and fun of eating a burger was not there, at least I got to maintain my table manners and looked sweet.....=p It took me almost half an hour to finish every bit of my burger but I gave up on the fries eventually...We sat there for another 15 minutes as we could not stand or walk after such a heavy meal...

And finally before wrapping up the day, I spent quite a lot of time in the fitting room..=)
What a bliss to have a great shopping partner on a date...=D

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sharing is Caring

We are all living in a same sphere called "Earth" with the world population of 7, 000, 000, 000 people...which means that the 7, 000, 000, 000 of us need to share a LOT of things together in order to live....Being the only child for almost 20 years now, I did not have to share most of the things with other people...I did not have to share my clothes, cosmetics, room or even love....I was happy that I don't need to share my personal things with others...It was such a bliss....

When I started my college life, I was exposed to a living style that requires me to share most things with others...I had to share the room with 2 other people, bathroom with 11 people & etc..I can't say it was easy for me to adapt at first..I used to cry at night as I was not used to living in a house with so many people...Only God knows how noisy & irritating it is sometimes...
I missed my life back at my hometown which is quiet (well,most of the time) & full of privacy...
However, I soon learnt that sharing is not all bad after all....When my skies was hot & sunny, filled with summer joys, I had 12 housemates to share them with...When my skies was covered with dark clouds, I too had 7 close friends (only trustable ones) to share them with...When I had to run & hide from all my sorrows, they are the one who convinced me to stand up & keep fighting...I learnt to share my thoughts and feelings with them...It is something which an only child like me, has difficulties to do...

I eventually adapted being among & living with a house full of people of all races, ages & behaviours...We learnt to accept each other the way we are, both our strengths & weaknessess....During my high school, my close friends were all Chinese & Indians...But it is totally opposite during my years in college...I learnt to adapt to a Malay community and I changed a lot just to fit in & not being gossiped...Fortunately, I found a few friends who love me & accept me for who I am eventhough we were brought up in a different community and different lifestyle..
Sharing friends is common in ones live..We can't expect our friends to only befriend us & ignore the society..If that is the case, we might start losing all our friends in the process...Sometimes, sharing friends may help us in a positive way no one could expect..Friendship & sharing go hand-in-hand...When there is friendship, sharing automatically follows..The more u share the more your friendship becomes intimate...Sharing is the spice of friendship...

Most of the time, people do not have problems in sharing friends....Their biggest problem is to share love...Let's admit it....It is human nature to be jealous and dislike that their love have to be shared with others....Even siblings can be jealous with each other when family members paid more attention to another...I learnt a lot of things in sharing...But I have to confess that I still can't share my love with others...For instance, when my loved ones praise others, I still have this funny feeling in my heart that kinda ache...It may be selfish, but that's the limit of my sharing...Frankly, who can share their partner with some other people??If they have a choice, I don't think that anyone could do that...Human can't help feeling that way and so do I..Therefore, I believe such things is normal in lives....
From my personal experiences, I believed that sharing has its importance in lives...Our lives are meant to be full of joy & fulfillment, not pain & suffering..The more we share & give of ourselves, the more fulfilled our lives will become...Although sharing has got its limits, sharing is an act of caring...Give it a thought...=)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Are you in a relationship where your guy annoys the hell out of you till the extend you felt like strangling him with a rope or even covering his face with a pillow??

But on the other hand, you love him soooooo much that you can't afford to lose him and can't imagine what life would be losing him??

Or are you in a relationship that is similar to Chuck & Blair in Gossip Girl???

If you are, then welcome to the club!!

Being in a relationship with the same person for quite some time actually requires much more patience and understanding than those who involved in a short-term relationship...

I'll tell you why...

  1. By the time you reach your 1st anniversary, your partner will answer all your questions about themselves or anything regarding their personal life...( Excluding all his dark & dirty secrets in the past of course!!)

  2. By the time you reach your 2nd anniversary, your partner will know all your secrets because let's face it, girls are more in touch with their emotions than guys...

  3. When you're celebrating your 3rd & 4th anniversary, your partner will let you know all their dirty little secrets because they don't even care how they look to you. ( Like how they don't bath for a couple of days or how they do their big business..ewww....)

  4. When you already pass that level, they will be able to read all your emotions or even responses to anything. They know exactly what to do to annoy you and how to make it up to you..

So, both of you will know each other's strengths and weaknessess...These points will either kill you or make you stronger...Therefore, patience and understanding is very important besides the feeling of love and care...

This was what happened when a guy asked her girl to read a blog :

He said: Read this blog..It's very interesting...Especially about her marriage and proposal...Very romantic...

After some time...........................

She said: I like her wedding...And what her man was wearing...So special.....

At that moment, the girl's heart and mind was filled with all those fantasies about her own marriage...

He said: The part how they met and fell in love is much more like a fairy tale...But, I won't show you the part how he proposed though...I might wanna use the idea in the future...hehehehhee.....

( She knew it must be something real romantic and sweet from the look of their unique wedding)

She said: You're gonna use the idea to propose??ok....I promise I won't look for the post.....

Why wanna spoil the suprise right??Even if it's copied from other people's proposal...

It was then he went and spoil her mood by saying this: Who said anything about proposing you?? xtau malu.....

She said: Ok...Bye...

He said: hahhahaa....

So she clicked "sign out" from MSN...

See how sometimes guys can be so annoying at times???They may give you hopes and dreams at 1 sec and shatter them into bazillion pieces in the next....

P.S : Mr. Rude, if you are going to propose ME in the future, make sure it's based on your own original ideas and not copied from others....

P.P.S: I worth much more than that and you know it's true...


Blooming Lily

Welcome to this lil piece of mind of mine...
or maybe u could consider this as my inner voice...
Most importantly, if u know the existence of my blog, it means that u must really be an important person to me...
I'm almost sure that each and everyone of u will ask "Why Blooming Lily??"
I only feel appropiate to tell the reasons behind my choice of title for my personal blog before I start babbling about other things..
I was thinking quite hard on what to name my blog..Sat in the pantry ( currently having my practicals) and thought what is it that's related to me..
Yeah..I do have a lot of nicknames but I felt it has nothing personal related to me..
I mean I can't really be related to baby elephant ( my highschool nickname) because I'm petite for a baby elephant..Except that I like to eat...alot.....n....sleep.....=p
And I definitely can't call it as "Smart Reader Kid's Column" just because my classmates find it amusing to tease my intelligence...
A good friend of mine said to me, " Why not Rudolp?? U have RED nose all the time.."
But to me, it's still not meaningful enough...
It was then I realised something about my name.. Before I forget, I actually have 5 names written on my I/C (4 is mine & 1 is my surname)...
My Chinese name actually means "Beautiful Lily" in Chinese & "Lilies" in Latin...
Futhermore, I'm a follower of Quan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, who sits on a lotus which happens to be the Asian water lily...
I felt a deep connection to Lilies and I think it suits me best....=)
So....Blooming Lily means it's me blooming, learning and contributing to the society....=)