We have many wonderful colours to represent everything in life....
Everything from our toothbrush to clothes to cars and even our houses have their own identity based on their colour...
Colours brighten up our gloomy days and gives us positive aura from the within....
It may also suit our emotions and feelings so that we are able to be in touch with our inner self effectively...
But of all the colours, I find it difficult to tolerate the judgements based on people's skin colour....
Let us all face the truth...We are all living in a multi-racial society and despite how we try to look good together with all those campaigns and stuff, we are still living in hypocrite...
We don't respect people for who they are but for what they are...I don't really see the point of judging people blindly just because they have dark, tan or fair skin...
Humans mean more than being judged based on their 3 layers of skin... We can't control who's going to be our family or what colour will our complexion be.... So, it's really unfair to judge someone based on their skin colours rather than their capabilities....
Why waste time condemning other races when our own race is not at all perfect.... Not all dark skin people are wasted and not all fair skin people are good either....
No point of wasting so much money on campaigns to make our society look good to the world....What we should really do is to face the truth that we are all racist no matter how hard we try to deny it and find a way to really overcome it mentally and not just physically...
It shouldn't matter which race have the most criminal records or which race have more mat rempits, drinkers, gamblers or which race is from which part of the world.....Because the fact is we cannot escape our origin no matter how hard we try...
It shouldn't matter what the Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims or Christians beliefs are because we are supposed to respect one another despite our differences...I really don't think the people up there will be happy to see us fighting among ourselves just because we are from different origins and have different beliefs...
Let us all be mature and handle racism the right way....=)